

"Second Bread: Potato Cultivation and Food Security in Kyrgyzstan" (with Susanne A. Wengle and Saadat Musabaeva). Journal of Development Studies (forthcoming).


"Biodiversity and Global Agricultural Markets: A Comparative Analysis of GMO Policy in Mexico and Peru." UW-Madison Proquest Dissertation.  2022.

GM Crops in Mexico and Kenya (Book chapters). Examining Internet and Technology Around the World.  Editor, Laura Steckman. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. December 2020.

Seeds of Hope in Uncertain Times” / "Semillas de Esperanza en Tiempos Inciertos" (with Valeria García López). North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA). Published online, October 2020.

Los Transgénicos en México: 20 Años de Resistencia y Lucha” (with Maria Colín). Greenpeace Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico. November 2019 .


I am an active community member, and I believe very firmly in the importance of participating in local policy debates. Here are some examples.

"Putting the public back into 'public' charter schools"
"Real Engagement on Pig's Eye Lake"
"St. Paul's Rent Stabilization Ordinance"
"Politics Trumps Process in St. Paul"
"Falcon Heights Ban on Front Yard Gardening"

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