

"Second Bread: Potato Cultivation and Food Security in Kyrgyzstan" (with Susanne A. Wengle and Saadat Musabaeva). Journal of Development Studies (Accepted/forthcoming)


"Biodiversity and Global Agricultural Markets: A Comparative Analysis of GMO Policy in Mexico and Peru." UW-Madison Proquest Dissertation.  2022.

GM Crops in Mexico and Kenya (Book chapters). Examining Internet and Technology Around the World. Editor, Laura Steckman. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. December 2020. 

“Seeds of Hope in Uncertain Times” (with Valeria García López). North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA). Published online, October 9, 2020.

“Los Transgénicos en México: 20 Años de Resistencia y Lucha” (with Maria Colín). Greenpeace Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico. November 2019 

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